Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Cauliflower and sweet potato curry

You need (for 2 persons):

1 middle size sweet potato
1/2 of a small cauliflower
1/2 or one small onion
a hand full of green beans (sperziebonen)
1 small teaspoon of curry pasta (for example chilly&garlic by Pataks, which is very hot, so in that case take care the small spoon is really a small spoon)
1 teaspoon od garam masala spices powder (available at toko's)
1 teaspoon of vegetable bouillon
1-2 spoons of (olive) oil
2 spoons of cream yogurt
basmati rice for two persons (don't forget to cook that :)

Clean the green beans and cut it into 2-3 cm long pieces. Put it in a pot with some water and vegetable bouillon and bring it to cook for a couple of minutes. In the meantime clean the cauliflower and divide it into small pieces. Peel the sweet potato and cut it into cubes (1-1,5 cm wide). Cut the onion into small cubes.
Take a larger (teflon) pan, heat it up and moisten with oil. Add the onion and fry for a minute or two. Add curry paste and powder, stir so it all divides equally and you can smell the spices. Add cauliflower and sweet potato. Stir around till it all gets covered with curry.
Then take the smaller pot with beans and bouillon and add all together to the bigger pan. Lower the heat, cover the pan and let it simmer for about 15 minutes till sweet potato gets softer. Then, open the pan, higher the heat and let the rest of liquids evaporate. Turn of the fire and after it calms down, mix in 2 table spoons of good cream yogurt.
Serve immediately with basmati rice.

That was today's dinner and we finished it before anyone even thought about taking a photo for the blog. Sorry, maybe next time.

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